janny [they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Yes, the workers are wrong.

    This is a better way to do it. Unfortunately, many waiters really do come out ahead with tipping, especially those working at higher end restaurants, conventionally attractive by euro standards, or just really good people skills, so they argue tipping is good actually. It benefits some individually, but collectively a lot do not end up with more money this way. So yes, alot of waiters start off making less money. The current system while deeply flawed allows people to have careers in waiting where they can start making pretty low wages to making above middle income money. If they work into bar tending then they can make up to 80 an hour on a good day.

    Such career tracks are things you see in logistics and trades. If you want to make a career here you can, the difference being that it offers income mobility without getting a degree making it a far more egalitarian field than most since the “meritocratic” career paths since college overwhelmingly fails poor people, people of color and first generation college students. If it doesn’t fail them then they’ll likely end up underemployed, unemployed out of their field or in so much debt that they might as well be in fast food.

    It’s part of the whole pull yourself up by your bootstraps ideology - yes you theoretically could do better with tipping, but how many do, compared with the many who don’t? But of course restaurantbusinessonline would prefer business owners still be paying less than minimum wage, so they find those workers whose interests for whatever reason line up with theirs.

    the real solution then isn’t abolishing tipping, its abolishing the tipped wage and retaining tipping

  • Eh, to be honest I think part of the reason why the NHS looks better is because while american healthcare sucks and is too expensive, you brits have never experianced it in comparison to your own.

    I watched philosophy tube’s video about the NHS and honestly it seems like the NHS is a government agency dedicated to wasting tens of billions of dollars to maintain the appearance of healthcare so people can feel good about themselves until they actually need it. I for one prefer to know that at least while I might be financially ruined at a hospital or receiving gender affirming care, at least I can get it.

  • Seriously, I feel like the root cause of the problem is that people these days are so alienated in society that they have grown too afraid to socialize. Complaints like “no, I don’t want to talk to people who I imagine might say reactionary things that I don’t like!” are just excuses to stop oneself from interacting with real people in the real world.

    Not gonna lie I see some posts on this site that outright describe people in their community with the same vitriolic hatred that Timothy McVeigh describes brown people. Sure I bet there are alot of areas with right wingers, but I’m sorry but if everyone around you is a literal demon then have you ever thought about the fact that the common factor in all of your interactions with these people is you?

    The emotional core of fascism is a deep misanthropy and I’ve seen so many young people who grew up with some socialization issues and a deepset hatred of other people latch onto communist politics and then become some sort of fascist or right-winger later in life. I don’t care about how epic you think your Maoism-Third Worldism is, I’ve seen enough of those people become Nazis or Haziods that I can clearly see a pattern in that sort of psychological framework to be incredibly sus of that sort of sentiment.

  • i mean that is a fair point. i guess its just because for the most part the u.s is considered the measuring stick for democratic rights since it is the self-appointed “leader of the free world”. but yeah ofc places like sweden and most of europe have better queer rights than either china and the u.s

    im not really a “dengist” or someone who believes that china is socialist. that being said one of my comrades is a chinese trans woman who goes to informed consent clinics in china and visits the major cities there quite often and is able to get alone without any discrimination or molestation by the public at large.

    i guess i should bring up some actually sources but i am busy right now, maybe if you poke me ill look at it later.

    generally its better for trans people and gender conforming queer people in china but its pretty bad for gender non-conforming queer people a la their restrictions on “sissy boys” which is pretty bad and generally you won’t see talked about on hexbear

  • Bullshit to say this about China

    I’m not one of these pro-china people but in it’s current state, China has way more rights for trans people than the U.S. There are informed consent clinics in a number of cities and while I’m sure trans woman are discriminated against there there are no laws directly discriminating against them.

    Meanwhile the U.S basically bans trans people (and sometimes gay people) from existing in half of this country by land mass. Not even going to say that china has a “good” queer rights record or even one that’s worthy of a socialist country but like China and Vietnam have better queer rights than any other countries in Asia (other than maybe japan) and def in the U.S

    There might have been an argument that the U.S was a better place to be queer in like 2018 but we don’t live in 2018 anymore