• Empricorn
    9 months ago

    Religion. I don’t mean extremist right-wingers trying to ban abortions nationwide or extremist Muslims trying to blow up their enemies. I mean people who quietly feel and have the convictions of Faith. Atheists will clamber over themselves to tell people (who believe they have received irrefutable proof of their faith) that they are wrong, they are stupid, they are backwards, and they are bad. Again, I’m not referring to people who act or vote to impose their views on others, but only about people who have personal, private convictions… yet any and all Faith is wrong?

    EDIT: Aaand, as predicted, I’m already getting downvoted. This world is allowed to have Furries, and neurodivergents, and Flat-Earthers, and Bronies… but NonGod-forbid anyone ever believe there’s more to our existence than what we can see! (For clarification, those are simply examples of groups diverging from cultural norms, no judgement should be inferred.)