Ford class super carrier
Wow I can’t believe it’s the same size as an F-150… That’s insane.
The bridge itself probably doesn’t mass that much more than the cargo ship. They are surely within the same order of magnitude in size.
Yeah, totally. I just mean that the ship is so big that it’s comparable in size to the bridge that it hit. It’s not like a car driving into a building, it’s like a building hitting another building.
New 9/11 theory just dropped
Ship propellors can’t cut concrete beams! It’s a coverup!
I have no idea how big a Ford class super carrier is supposed to be, either. What is that in football fields?
About 3.
Almost 1000ft
whats that in Saarlands ?
1.76 Saarbrücken
whoah , thats big . i understand now…
The biggest ship on the Great lakes is 1,013 feet long and 105 feet wide. That’s slightly larger than Dali. They just can’t practically build them much bigger than that. There once was a 1,500 foot long ship that had to be taken out of service. So far 1,300 feet seems to be the best we can do
I mean, it was completed in 1979 and was taken out of service in 2010.
Not to shabby for a ship that also struck by a missle during the Iran-Iraq war.
now i want pirates or some third-rate power to try to make a captured cargo vessel into a carrier
Galaxy Leader? Houthi Carrier Rouge One
We are so back