• ElHexo [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    In skies where secrets and the old bill mix,
    Our gov’nor, right, he’s in a proper fix.
    Gone against the boss, up high on shelf,
    He’s lookin’ for weapons, just for 'imself.

    Chatter 'bout uprisings, all in a muddle,
    Then his plane goes down, and we’re all in a puddle.
    The big man up top, with 'is sneaky plan,
    Made sure our mate, he won’t stand aga’n.

    But y’know, legends, they don’t disa’pear,
    They shine brightest when the end is near.
    His story, mate, down the pub we’ll share,
    'Bout the brave gov’nor, and the fate 'e bear.