Mad Max Fury Road. They defeat the tyrant, and get the control of the water valves. Then they open the valves and seemingly keep them open. One problem, how long is the water reservoir gonna last now?

Logan’s Run. The city dwellers are freed from the computer’s iron-fisted rule, and Carrousel. But their city is in ruins, and thinks to the computer providing everything. They don’t know how to live without it. The city dwellers are going to start dying off real fast.

    7 months ago

    Spoilers ahead, obviously.

    Fallout 3

    The “good” ending as a reward for doing everything right is basically suicide for the greater good.

    Even if you have a specific NPC follower who can do the same thing unharmed, the epilogue text and voice-over basically calls you a coward for making the rational choice to have him do it and pretends that it killed him even though, as established, it doesn’t harm him at all.