KarlBarqs [he/him, they/them]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • When it comes to these Wunderwaffen, remember that Western media surrounding war for the last 40 years or more has been about how incredibly superior NATO tech is to Russian tech in every aspect.

    Take the Challenger 2 tanks that recently got sent to Ukraine. As someone who used to really be too into military stuff, any time you read about the Challenger 2 there was always talk about how invincible it was, how it has never been destroyed in battle, how the armour is so advanced that even what it’s made out of is a classified state secret. When you hear stuff like this for decades on end, it’s difficult to shake it even when one sees Challenger 2s torched in a field, and often these NAFO types will justify it by saying sure, it was destroyed, but that tank probably took down 30 T-90s before it was taken out.

  • In what way was the Khmer Rouge not a Communist party?

    In literally every way that matters. A name is just a name, a political party can call themselves anything they want, and none of their politics were communist in any way.

    Granted, you’re probably one of those dipshits who thinks the Nazis were socialist, given your fixation on names.

  • lost just six of their 105 Western-made tanks: five of 71 Leopard 2s and one of 14 Challenger 2s.

    I love how they frame this as positive. The Leopard 2 and Challenger 2 are the current frontline tanks for the entirety of Western Europe, tanks that were constantly thought to be invincible compared to Russian tanks, and they got clowned on by significantly older Russian tanks. And these EU bozos still think they could win handily against Russia?

    Edit: I’m also calling bullshit on this article for another reason. A comrade posted pictures of the burnt out tank lower down, and that turret is not still attached. It’s canted at an abnormal angle. The ammo cooked off and likely caused a relatively small detonation that lifted the turret just a bit, rather than a more spectacular turret flying through the air, but it absolutely sheared the turret off.

  • Why would the USSR deliberately starve a fellow socialist Republic? Why would Stalin, a Georgian, have some kind of Russian chauvinist grudge against Ukrainians? Why would Lenin (Donbass), Stalin (Lviv), and Khruschev (Crimea) all expand the territory of the Ukrainian SSR while also trying to kill off the people inside of it?

    My key question: Why would Stalin stop? If the Holodomor was a deliberate attempt to genocide the Ukrainian people, it would be to my knowledge the only genocide in the history of the world where the perpetrator just randomly decided to stop the genocidal actions and never again make any attempt to restart it for the next 30 years of his life.

  • What if an issue is genuinely complicated and cannot be resolved by a three word statement of position? Can there be no discussion around that?

    That’s fine if it’s an issue that is worthy of debate.

    We’re talking here specifically about the rights and survival of human beings, and in that kind of case, no. There is no room for debate. There is no complexity. You either support people’s right to live, or you don’t. There fundamentally cannot be a grey area here; any response that includes the words “yes, but” automatically cedes ground to fascists.