• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Geyser had some issues lately. I run geyser standalone on a vps on the web, the server itself is in my home. The geyser server would sit at 100% CPU all the time. From what i understand: they had an issue recently that would hackers use geyser to run DDoS attacks. It was fixed but the hackers still try to connect. All the time.

    I don’t know if it is released yet (check their Discord) but they quickly released a patched version that would rate limit connection attempts (block the IP after X attempts). This fixed the issue for me.

  • I entered the world of Java a few years ago, there were already memes about eclipse back then, so I was prepared to prefer Intellij.

    I tried both. Intellij is much more polished, it had some annoying bugs too, but the selling point for me was that eclipse was (is) really good at syncing every change directly to wildfly. This is a huge timesaver. The maven to eclipse plugin I think?

    I’ve tried with jrebel but it’s not as quick and reliable as with eclipse.

    I am fully prepared for a solution where Intellij is better so please let me know, but no one in our organisation (which has about 50 devs) has found it.

  • RagingToadtohomelab@lemmy.mlWhoogle
    4 months ago

    I don’t use Whoogle myself, but I’ve checked the code and seems like Whoogle indeed uses HTTPS when sending your query to Google.

    (And as long as you are on your own private network at home you should be fine using HTTP)

  • Ik maak mij niet zoveel zorgen. Een taal laten uitsterven is best wel een opgave.

    En dat verengelsen… dat is van alle tijden he? Als het kijkt naar het Nederlands van pakweg 50 jaar geleden dan is er al een hoop veranderd. Taal is een dynamisch ding, en er wordt continu geleend en gekopieerd.

    Vraag bij de groenteboer maar eens om ooft. Of bij de kledingwinkel om een ceintuur. Grote kans op verbaasde gezichten :-)