There wasn’t a single news story that I wanted to highlight here, but rather to collect several smaller bits of news together in the same place. Production issues seem to be plaguing multiple shows at the moment:

  • Jujutsu Kaisen and Mappa have had some high profile issues with the tight production timelines which has led to delays in distribution in some cases.
  • Butareba’s 9th episode was announced to be delayed for one week. In its broadcast slot, they will instead re-air episode 8.
  • The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’s 9th episode was also delayed a week. In its broadcast slot, they are planning on airing a recap special.

All these issues in the current season are in addition to the continued delay of Zom 100 which is slated to air its final episodes in one batch on December 25th. Also, not to mention delays that were present in previous seasons to shows like Nier and Uncle from Another World.

For additional context on some of the issues, there have been industry professionals speaking out about some systemic problems.

  • The founder of Mappa and Madhouse Studios, Masao Maruyama, spoke in an interview about how the industry’s focus on commercialization has hurt creative expression and storytelling. (I am ignoring the China portions of this interview as I don’t think they are nearly as important as he does).
  • More recently, Nishii Terumi (former animation director for JJK 0 and Jojo), posted to twitter (stop trying to make X happen) about problems training talent (English article) due to studios focusing on profits rather than talent development.

I don’t have much to add to this. I wanted to try to find a good summary article to share about the topic, but couldn’t find much. So, instead, just kind of made a cliff’s notes version here. I just wanted to keep people here in the loop with stuff.

  • ReluctantZen
    10 maanden geleden

    It’s unfortunate that these issues are nothing new at all. The consequences of those issues just finally seem to manifest on a broader scale. I really hope that something will change for the better, but with the news of Kadokawa (I think) starting more studios, I have my doubts. And we as fans can’t do much about it except maybe boycott anime of certain studios, but I feel like that will leave an even smaller dent than the reddit boycott.

    Also, don’t forget AoT. It was supposed to end 2 years ago, but probably due to a completely unrealistic deadline, that obviously didn’t happen (and I’m glad it didn’t. It wouldn’t have been this good otherwise)